A positive behaviour support approach across the college ensures the best possible social, emotional, behavioural and academic outcomes for students.
Our Behaviour Policy outlines our system for promoting positive behaviours and responding to inappropriate and unacceptable behaviours. The commitment of all members of our college community (staff, students and families) promotes consistent behavioural expectations, consistent opportunities for students to learn appropriate and productive behaviours, and consistent responses to behaviours that have a negative impact on learning.
A multi-tiered model of support promotes a positive learning environment with an emphasis on preventing behaviours that have a negative impact on learning.
At John Butler Primary College, we believe in maintaining a positive, safe, respectful and supportive educational environment that maximises the learning and wellbeing of all. The Good Standing Policy reinforces the John Butler Primary College Behaviour Plan by acknowledging and rewarding positive behaviour, supporting our students to make positive choices and promoting students’ responsibility for their own behaviour.
The Good Standing processes are underpinned by the following key principles of restorative practice:
It is acknowledged that delayed reinforcement and delayed consequences are not appropriate or effective for some students with disability and/or additional needs. It is also recognised that there are occasionally exceptional circumstances surrounding a student’s demonstration of negative behaviours. Consideration of individual circumstances will be given in these instances in regards to the loss of Good Standing. This decision is at the discretion of the principal.