Student Attendance

John Butler Primary College

Student Attendance

Teachers at John Butler Primary College plan sequenced and tailored programs that build skills, understandings and concepts for each child.


Students who attend school regularly and are on time are assured good quality learning experiences. Research shows that students who miss 10% (or one day a fortnight) or more of their school education may increase their potential of being at educational risk. It is for this reason that:

  • All absences must be explained by the parent/guardian
  • At risk attendance (less than 90%), unexplained or unreasonable absences and frequent lateness will be followed up by teachers, or in some circumstances by administration
  • Taking vacation leave during college terms is discouraged. Families intending to book vacations during school must seek approval from the Principal
  • Students are required to be at college prior to 8:20am. Students arriving after 8:20am are required to get a late pass from the office and this will be logged in the college system
  • All students are expected to be prompt in their return to classrooms after recess and lunch. A record of each child’s attendance is provided in the two formal reports that go home each year at the end of Term 2 and Term 4

An inclusive, engaging and inspiring place of learning, where every student is supported to achieve their personal best every day.

College Hours

Classroom supervised from 8:10am
learning commences: 8:20am
Recess: 10:20 – 10:40am
Lunch: 12:40 – 1:25pm
Learning concludes: 2:25pm

Kindergarten students attend the above hours on Tuesday, Wednesday, and Thursday of every week.

Office: 8:00am – 3:00pm

Arrival Time

Parents are reminded that children coming to college before 8:10am cannot be supervised by college staff.

Late Arrival

Students who arrive after college has begun at 8:20 am are required to come to the office to receive a late pass. Parents of students who are regularly late will be contacted to discuss the situation.

Collection Time

Students who have not been collected in the first 10 minutes at the end of the college day will be redirected or escorted to the college administration to await arrival of carers.  If parents are going to be late to collect students they are asked to telephone 9562 9850 to advise the college administration.  If carers do not arrive in a timely way, emergency contacts are advised.

Leaving College grounds

As a general rule, unless accompanied by a teacher, children must NOT leave the college grounds without permission from parents or guardian.

Kindergarten and Pre-primary – Arrival and Collection

Children must be left in the care of a staff member and under no circumstances are they to be left to enter Kindergarten or Pre-primary classroom alone.


Children will not be released at pick up time until an authorised adults comes to the classroom door. Please notify College Administration on 9562 9850 if someone other than yourself is to pick up your child.  If that other adult is unknown to staff we may ask for identification, e.g. drivers license.


Please note: Older siblings are not permitted to collect children from the Kindergarten or Pre-primary.


On the day following an absence from college, Department of Education regulations require a written explanation from the child’s parent/guardian. These notes are retained and must coincide with absences marked on the class roll. The teacher will follow up all unexplained absences. Any continual unexplained absences will be referred to the School Administration.

Phone (08) 9562 9850
Absentee Text Message Number 0437 064 425

For more information on how to report student absence please follow this link to our Communications Page.

Realise your full potential at JBPC.